I hope God is resting because Geoffrey and I haven't been! We are truly thankful for a lovely not too warm day to go about daily farm business.
I turned about 5 gallons of milk this morning and was rewarded with 1/2 gallon of lovely cream. Now to try my hand at some cottage cheese and sour cream. I love my 100 + year old hand crank cream separator. It is from Montgomery Wards , Monkey Wards for those of us who grew up in the '50s. Anyway she is truly a work horse and has never let me down.
I then turned the fleece I washed yesterday to continue drying in hopes that I will get a chance to do some picking and carding before I have to go back to work on Tuesday. Then headed off up the hill to Dave's Haybarn to buy what else? The prices are down to almost what I was paying when I began in goats about 25 years ago. The quality isn't quite what it was.
When I got home Geoffrey had moved and arranged allot of the furniture he had brought back from his Mom's house in Cayucos and the place looks rather snappy. Nothing like a new dress to make one feel good about one's self. We unloaded and stacked 30 bales of 125# each and I feel now like it is time for a nap or ?
I am including some photos I took yesterday. A couple of some beautiful clouds , the other barn cat Tabby Tabby, the small pond in front (when we get moved I hope to have a large pond with waterfowl and such)and the door to the barn. The colors of the trees just appealed to me.