Friday, July 6, 2012

Farmer's Market Day

One of the things that I have started since we got somewhat settled in is selling our eggs and goat milk soap at the Anderson Farmer's Mkt. on Thursday mornings from 7:30 am to 1 pm. I don't do a rousing business $$ wise every time but I do an amazing business otherwise. That would be the business of sharing. Sharing the whys and wherefores of sustainable living. I borrowed my status from my FB yesterday which explains a bit more.

This is my table at one of the first markets I attended. I have branched out and will get some new photos to share next week. I am a  member  of the Shasta Growers Association and plan on becoming involved in Mountain Growers Association also which will enable me to attend two other markets as we grow.

 Facebook Status 7/5/12

 My new read "Folks , This Ain't Normal" Joel Salatin, I love the whole deal family farm, pastured pork, chicken. Humane treatment of animals who give their all to feed us. My vision is getting food of this nature to people who need it but can't afford it because of the cost. This is why , one of the whys, I am at Farmers Mkt. in Anderson every Thursday. Yes I love selling my products but more so I love sharing the vision.
And while reading Joel Salatin's book tonight this caught my eye and I could relate to it . I love farming and here is what he has to say. "What do you do out there on the farm? If you don't go to a movie, don't get takeout, don't bar hop, don't spend most evenings at soccer games-what on earth is there to do?" Oh, let me tell you. Each morning I step out into dew-speckled pastures, each drop a rainbow-studded diamond adorning orchard grass, red clover, white clover, plantain, chicory-a whole salad bar bedazzled in morning's solar glory. I have thousand of expectant animals waiting for a fresh salad bar. They love me."

We aren't close to the level of Polyface Farm. But the vision is shared. If we can make a difference in the eating habits of one family each time we attend market then the day is a blessing , a gift to us and to them.

I come from a line of farmer's my mother's people. I sincerely believe there is a farming gene in the DNA make up . I got it or it got me, no matter. But when one receives a gift sharing it with others is what makes it special.


  1. hey! you really are back and i'm happy i'll be able to follow what you are up to. your farmers' market adventure sounds great!

    1. Thanks my dear. I will be up your way, well kinda in a week or two. Meeting another breeder at a friends in Gold Hill. She is buying a yearling and buck kid from me. I in turn will bring home a three month old Pyrenees female. A day trip since it is only a 2.5 hour drive. Will take photos and blog it!!

  2. Having a blog while farming takes a chunk of time from an already busy schedule...but I'm glad you're blogging. Coming by to see how you're doing and to encourage you is easier when you've updated. Keep up the good work!
    Polyface Farm is in the Shenandoah Valley, a few hours from me, but I've never been to his farm. He's doing a good work and is a good spokesman for the small farmer industry. When Dave was alive, so much of my time was spent telling the story of farming, sheep, horses and how I came to be a farmer. Now, I'm just trying to take care of me; that's why it's especially important to encourage folks who are at a different stage and better able to tell the story. Thank you!

    1. Sandra you are so welcome! I know that one day your status will change and you can begin to share the small farm life again. Right now tie up loose ends and continue mending your life without Dave. Love you!
